
Using the OWSProxy with an external WPS application

The OWSProxy is a proxy service for OWS services. Currently it only supports WPS.

First you need an external WPS. You can use Emu WPS service from Birdhouse. Get it from GitHub and run the installation:

$ git clone https://github.com/bird-house/emu.git
$ cd emu
$ make install
$ make start

The Emu WPS service is available by default at the URL: http://localhost:5000/wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities

Make sure Twitcher is installed and running:

$ cd ../twitcher  # cd into the twitcher installation folder
$ pserve development.ini

Register a WPS service

Register the Emu WPS service at the Twitcher OWSProxy:

$ twitcherctl -k register --name emu http://localhost:5000/wps

If you don’t provide a name with --name option then a nice name will be generated, for example sleepy_flamingo.

Use the list command to see which WPS services are registered with OWSProxy:

$ twitcherctl -k list
[{'url': 'http://localhost:5000/wps', 'proxy_url': 'https://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu', 'type': 'wps', 'name': 'emu'}]

Access a registered service

By default the registered service is available at the URL https://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/{service_name}. Replace the service_name with the registered name.

Run a GetCapabilities request for the registered Emu WPS service:

$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=getcapabilities"

Run a DescribeProcess request:

$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=describeprocess&identifier=hello&version=1.0.0"

Use tokens to run an execute request

By default the WPS service is protected by the OWSSecurity wsgi middleware. You need to provide an access token to run an execute request.

Run an Exceute request:

$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=execute&identifier=hello&version=1.0.0&datainputs=name=tux"

Now you should get an XML error response with a message that you need to provide an access token (see section above).

We need to generate an access token with twitcherctl:

$ twitcherctl -k gentoken -H 24

By default the token has a limited life time of one hour. With the option -H you can extend the life time in hours (24 hours in this example).

You can provide the access token in three ways (see section above):

  • as HTTP parameter,

  • as part of the HTTP header

  • or as part of the url path.

In the following example we provide the token as HTTP parameter:

$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=execute&identifier=hello&version=1.0.0&datainputs=name=tux&token=def456"


If you have set enviroment variables with your access token then they will not be available in the external service.

Use x509 certificates to control client access


You need an Nginx web-server in front of the Twitcher WSGI service to use x509 certificates.

Since version 0.3.6 Twitcher is prepared to use x509 certificates to control client access. By default it is configured to accept x509 proxy certificates from ESGF.

Register the Emu WPS service at the Twitcher OWSProxy with auth option cert:

$ twitcherctl -k register --name emu --auth cert http://localhost:5000/wps

The GetCapabilities and DescribeProcess requests are not blocked:

$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=getcapabilities"
$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=describeprocess&identifier=hello&version=1.0.0"

When you run an Exceute request without a certificate you should get an exception report:

$ curl -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=execute&identifier=hello&version=1.0.0&datainputs=name=tux"

Now you should get an XML error response with a message that you need to provide a valid X509 certificate.

Get a valid proxy certificate from ESGF, you may use the esgf-pyclient to run a myproxy logon. Let’s say your proxy certificate is cert.pem, then run the exceute request again using this certificate:

$ curl --cert cert.pem --key cert.pem -k "http://localhost:8000/ows/proxy/emu?service=wps&request=execute&identifier=hello&version=1.0.0&datainputs=name=tux"