
Quick Installation

Quick steps to install and start Twitcher:

$ git clone
$ cd twitcher
$ conda env create
$ conda activate twitcher
$ make install
$ make migrate
$ make start

From GitHub Sources

Get Twitcher source from GitHub:

$ git clone
$ cd twitcher

Create Conda environment named twitcher:

$ conda env update -f environment.yml
$ conda activate twitcher

Install the Twitcher app:

$ pip install -e .
make install

For development you can use this command:

$ pip install -e .[dev]
$ make develop

Initialize Database

Initialize and upgrade the database using Alembic.

Generate your first revision:

$ conda activate twitcher
$ alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"


This first step is only needed in development to generate a new database schema version.

Upgrade to that revision:

$ alembic -c development.ini upgrade head

Load default data into the database using a script.

$ initialize_twitcher_db development.ini


You can use make migrate as a shortcut to upgrade or init the twitcher database (last two steps).

Starting Twitcher Service

For development twitcher is using the the waitress WSGI server.

Start the twitcher service using the development.ini configuration:

$ pserve development.ini --reload
$ make start