Source code for twitcher.owssecurity

from pyramid.settings import asbool

from twitcher.interface import OWSSecurityInterface
from twitcher.owsrequest import OWSRequest
from twitcher.utils import get_settings

[docs]class OWSSecurity(OWSSecurityInterface):
[docs] def verify_request(self, request): """Verify that the service request is allowed. This method verifies that the provided credentials are valid. Depending on the authentication configuration this could be a client X509 certificate or an OAuth2 token. """ ows_request = OWSRequest(request) if ows_request.service_allowed() is False: return False try: service_name = request.matchdict.get('service_name') service = request.owsregistry.get_service_by_name(service_name) except Exception: return False if service.get('public', False) is True: return True if ows_request.public_access() is True: return True if service.get('auth', '') == 'cert': # Check the verification result of the client certificate. # Verification is done by nginx. return request.headers.get('X-Ssl-Client-Verify', '') == 'SUCCESS' else: # verify the oauth token for compute scope. return request.verify_request(scopes=["compute"])
def includeme(config): from twitcher.adapter import get_adapter_factory settings = get_settings(config) security_enabled = asbool(settings.get('twitcher.ows_security', True)) def is_verified(request): if not security_enabled: return True adapter = get_adapter_factory(request) return adapter.owssecurity_factory().verify_request(request) config.add_request_method(is_verified, reify=True)