Source code for twitcher.client

import os

import requests
from oauthlib.oauth2 import BackendApplicationClient
from requests_oauthlib import OAuth2Session

from twitcher.oauth2 import TOKEN_ENDPOINT, CLIENT_APP_ENDPOINT

import logging
LOGGER = logging.getLogger("TWITCHER")

def get_headers(access_token=None):
    if access_token:
        headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer {}'.format(access_token)}
        headers = {}
    return headers

[docs]class TwitcherService(object): """TwitcherService is a twitcher client to talk to the twitcher service API.""" def __init__(self, url, verify=True): self.base_url = url self.verify = verify
[docs] def add_client_app(self, username, password, name=None, redirect_uri=None): """Add a client application to twitcher with optional name.""" name = name or '' redirect_uri = redirect_uri or '' req_url = "{}{}?name={}&redirect_uri={}".format( self.base_url, CLIENT_APP_ENDPOINT, name, redirect_uri) resp = requests.get(req_url, auth=(username, password), verify=self.verify) if not resp.ok: LOGGER.error("Could not add client app.") else: return resp.json()
[docs] def fetch_token(self, client_id, client_secret, scope=None): """Get an access token with given scope.""" scope = scope or 'compute' os.environ['OAUTHLIB_INSECURE_TRANSPORT'] = '1' token_url = "{}{}".format(self.base_url, TOKEN_ENDPOINT) client = BackendApplicationClient(client_id=client_id) oauth = OAuth2Session(client=client) return oauth.fetch_token(token_url, scope=scope, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, include_client_id=True, verify=self.verify)
[docs] def list_services(self): """List all registered OWS services.""" req_url = "{}/services".format(self.base_url) resp = requests.get(req_url, verify=self.verify) if not resp.ok: LOGGER.error("Could not list services") else: return resp.json()
[docs] def register_service(self, access_token, name, url, data=None): """Register a service.""" data = data or {} data.update({"name": name, "url": url}) req_url = "{}/services".format(self.base_url) import json resp =, data=json.dumps(data), headers=get_headers(access_token), verify=self.verify) if not resp.ok: LOGGER.error("Could not add service") else: return resp.json()
[docs] def clear_services(self, access_token): """Remove all OWS services.""" req_url = "{}/services".format(self.base_url) resp = requests.delete(req_url, headers=get_headers(access_token), verify=self.verify) if not resp.ok: LOGGER.error("Could not clear services") else: return resp.json()
[docs] def get_service(self, name): """Get an OWS service with given name.""" req_url = "{}/services/{}".format(self.base_url, name) resp = requests.get(req_url, verify=self.verify) if not resp.ok: LOGGER.error("Could not get service") else: return resp.json()
[docs] def unregister_service(self, access_token, name): """Remove registered service with given name.""" req_url = "{}/services/{}".format(self.base_url, name) resp = requests.delete(req_url, headers=get_headers(access_token), verify=self.verify) if not resp.ok: LOGGER.error("Could not remove service") else: return resp.json()